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联系人:郭小姐 女士 (市场部主管)
电 话:0592-5522220
手 机:18959246292


供应USDA BioPreferred认证


    USDA BioPreferred® program

Introduction to BioPreferred

The purpose of the USDA BioPreferred® program is to promote the increased purchase and use of biobased products. The program is expected to promote economic development, creating new jobs and providing new markets for farm commodities. To the extent that the BioPreferred program achieves its purpose, the increased purchase of biobased products will also be expected to reduce petroleum consumption, increase the use of renewable resources, better manage the carbon cycle, and may contribute to reducing adverse environmental and health impacts.

Two Major Initiatives

The USDA BioPreferred program has two major initiatives:

Product Labeling

USDA certifies and awards labels to qualifying products to increase consumer recognition of biobased products.

Federal Procurement Preference

USDA designates categories of biobased products that are afforded preference by Federal agencies when making purchasing decisions. If you are interested in suggesting a new product category for designation, contact us.

郭小姐 女士 (市场部主管)  
电  话: 0592-5522220
传  真: 0592-5596933
移动电话: 18959246292
公司地址: 中国福建厦门市同安区海城十里
邮  编: 361006
公司主页: http://xmcert.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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厦门博测商务服务有限公司 公司地址:中国福建厦门市同安区海城十里
郭小姐 女士 (市场部主管) 电话:0592-5522220 传真:0592-5596933
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